RSA Encryption and Decryptionbb

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AI summary
The document provides an example of RSA encryption and decryption in C++ using the OpenSSL library. It demonstrates generating an RSA key pair, encrypting a QString, and then decrypting it back to QString. The code includes necessary functions and compilation instructions, emphasizing secure practices in cryptography.
C++ Programming
OpenSSL Library
Last edited time
Jan 20, 2024 01:42 AM
Here's an example of how you might use RSA encryption and decryption with QStrings in C++. This example uses the OpenSSL library.
Please note that to compile this code you will need to link against the OpenSSL library using -lssl -lcrypto flags with g++. The exact command may vary depending on your system configuration. Here's an example:
This command compiles the file rsa_example.cpp into an executable named rsa_example and links against the OpenSSL library.
In this example, an RSA key pair is generated and used to encrypt and decrypt a QString. The QString is converted to a std::string using the QString::toStdString method, then cast to a char* for use with the OpenSSL functions. After the decryption, the decrypted text is converted back to a QString using QString::fromStdString.
This example code is for demonstration purposes only. Always use secure practices when dealing with cryptography in your code.